Wednesday, 14 January 2015

  Hello folks!! Today i'm going to tell you guys about my long holiday story. This holiday is not one of the good holiday i imagined it would be. For the first week, the cycle is always the same wake up, eat, play, take a bath sleep. Looping for a whole boring week. Not quite what i expected from a holiday. But nevertheless i had fun. I played multiplayer online games with my classmates, with my classmates ex, with my classmates's classmates ex. But most of the first week of my holiday is basically consisted of "play to snore".   The next week i got an invitation to a red cross recruitment in my school. Then i said to myself "hey why not". It is a camping recruitment test program to determine your position and ability to treat people in the schools red cross extraculicullar. So i joined packed up and ready it took place in lembang. In ciwangun to be precise. I thought we were going to easily camp there, oh but no. the higher ups decided to camp on the top of the hill. As how i saw it from the bottom "nay, it looks pretty close, should be a scratch". But 15 minutes later i changed my mind it was so far away it was very exhausting. And when i finally got the courage to ask the senior about the height. He said that we were not even close to half the hiking. Aww no. Finally we made it there and we settle our camp bear the slope end of the hill, so that we can get a better view.   The view was beautiful, singing in the night, sitting beside the campfire the usual stuff